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Ferry, cross the WillametteAlong the Little Zigzag Creek TrailThe old gray shed, she ain't what she used to be.A Foggy Lake in AutumnA beautiful couple: Mount Hood and Trillium Lake.Mt. Hood at then end of a cloudless, hazy day.The Old Scotch Church is a beautiful reminder of the faith and hardiness and love of beauty that characterized Oregon's pioneers.Multnomah Falls before the daily crowds arriveAn early morning visit to Cedar Creek Grist MillWhichever meandering path you find yourself on, make sure it is one of beauty.Crystal Springs PersuasionThe Heart of the AntelopeTake me home, country roadRainbow Hills and Blue SkiesPalouse Falls Under the Milky WaySmith Rock State ParkFort Rock, OregonLonely SunsetDeepening Shadows Gather SplendorA Galaxy and Trees