This blog is about my passion for light-drawing. That is what the word photography literally means from its Greek parts, drawing with light. Like all other things in life, I am still learning and experimenting. Sometimes, I fail, and sometimes, I surprise myself.In any case, I hope these stories amuse, entertain, and inspire you to just get out and draw with the light you have.Shoot the Feeling
I am certainly not a war photographer like Don McCullin and others, but early on, I realized my landscapes and portraits and street photography needed to be infused with whatever emotion the scene was evoking in me that induced me to snap the shot to begin with. The conscious intentionality of a photograph must come through to the viewer in order to separate it from a mere snapshot. I don't always succeed, and when I do, of course, it's to a lesser or greater degree than I would like. Hopefully, over the years I have been getting better at capturing that spark in my images. Christ Tested a CameraI know that the Bible describes Jesus Christ as the "express image of the invisible God", but really, is Jesus into photography too?
(From 2024 Year-End RecapAs is my annual habit, here is simply a straightforward slideshow of some of my favorite images I was privileged to capture 2024.
2023 Year-End Recap2023, for me, was a year of challenges and pleasant surprises. I got to travel more than I have been able to in the last couple of years, and I am working on overcoming the health issues that have been plaguing me for the last three or four. Still, my camera and love of photography have been the best therapy for getting me out and about and creating images. So, here is a short slideshow of some of my favorite shots from 2023.
Scott Kelby's Worldwide Photo Walk 2023I'm going to be leading a photo walk in Oregon City, Oregon, on October 7. We'll be a part of the largest simultaneous gathering of photographers in the world. The concept of a Photo Walk is simple. Photo Walks are created by Walk Leaders in cities all over the world. Walkers meet up at a pre-designated location to spend a few hours socializing, capturing images, and sharing with like-minded people. At the end of the Photo Walk, most groups convene at local restaurants or taverns to share their images and experiences over food. In addition to the event, photo walkers will be able to upload their favorite picture to our popular Photo Walk contest for a chance to win prizes from industry related sponsors. We will have 1 walker grand prize winner, 1 leader grand prize winner, and 10 finalists to be selected by Scott Kelby himself. Prizes have not been officially announced yet but could contain a camera, software licenses and membership, up to $750 worth of industry gift cards, camera bags & more! This isn’t just a walk—this is a walk with a cause. While the event is completely free and you are under absolutely no obligation to donate, the event does support The Springs of Hope Kenya Orphanage, an organization that feeds, houses, educates, and empowers young orphans so that they can grow up to not just survive, but succeed. Scott is asking that each person who participates donates to help make a difference in theses children’s lives. Every dollar counts. You can donate here: Regardless of whether you donate or not pre-registration is required, and will allow you to enter the contest after the event. Head on over to find a city near you, and complete the free sign up form! Or, sign up for my walk in Oregon City if you will be in the area:
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